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Naloxone - Free Online Course

Scotland has seen a devastating drug death crisis over the past few years. The escalating rates of drug-related deaths in recent years is not only a matter of statistics but a profound tragedy that affects families, communities, and our wider society. Each death represents the loss of a loved one, a mum, a dad, a son, a daughter, a friend….how many of us haven’t seen the devastating effects of drug misuse?

“As a Police officer one of the worst parts of my job is delivering the news to a family that their loved one has died, I am proud to say Police officers now routinely carry Naloxone” - Police Sergeant Keith Jack.

The root causes of this crisis are complex, fortunately WE can all play our part in helping our fellow citizens. None of us are immune, its not someone else’s issue, Its everyone’s issue!

What Can I Do?

As part of our hospitality industry you are well place to learn how to administer life saving naloxone, it may be an incident within a venue, around the locality of your work, or you may just be worried about a friend or relative. We believe Best Bar None members are ideally placed to contribute to this issue.

How Can I Get Involved?

Please follow the link below to SFAD (Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs) web site. You will find all the information you need to SAVE A LIFE, including a free online Naloxone course and an ordering form that allows you to receive your own Naloxone kit.

16 August

Micro Learning Session - Jaclyn Dirkie - Martyn’s Law (Copy)